I feel very satisfied and tiredly happy tonight.
Tango: Had an excellent class in Lafayette tonight. It was such a small class that every other song I was being led by either Marcelo or Romina, which felt like a mini-private lesson. They seemed to focus on elements that I'd even been wondering about just last night at Milonga, so I got a lot of answers to some questions that had been brewing in my mind. Things slowly coming together and another piece of the puzzle gets added to the big picture. I think tonight was the first time I'd ever danced a milonga tanda with Marcelo and it was tons of fun. I actually realized this week that I'm no longer trepid of dancing milongas. Even while I was usually able to follow pretty well, I'd feel like my brain was going into overtime and I was barely hanging on, breathing a sigh of relief joy that I made it in one piece. I had a few other good dances with other people, and of course got to dance many tandas with Martin, including one fabuloso waltz tanda. Focuses for me today were contrabody, good right palm connection, relaxed right elbow, and ankle-cross-embellishment that lends itself to be done during certain contrabody walks. I definitely think I got more out of tonight than I would have had I gone to Tarragon.
Grilled Cheese: I was super hungry last night after Verdi club, so stopped at Mountain View In 'n Out burger off 101 and Rengstorff, but much to my chagrin they were already closed (1am weeknights and it was 115am). I plodded home and had a less appetizing snack before heading to bed. Tonight however, I got my grilled cheese fix from In 'n Out burger so I'm quite satisfied and happy.
Considerations on the Value of Argentine Tango
Considerations on the Value of Argentine Tango
Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires · Considerations on the value of Argentine
[image: A couple danci...
1 month ago