I took all six workshops from Jorge Torres January 24th (Dance Sport in San Jose) and January 25th (Alberto's in Mountain View). He emphasized breathing, relaxation (tension gets in the way of the steps), feeling the earth and using the ground, feeling the music, less is more, sense of self/balance before projecting to another step, and sense of partner. These are all very similar thoughts that my teacher Marcelo has, so it was easy to accept the information. I really liked his style, but wish we could have seen him perform with his wife Chino. Ah well. Please enjoy the videos from the workshops and the last video where he danced at Alberto's milonga with a volunteer from the audience (drats I should have raised my hand!):
Considerations on the Value of Argentine Tango
Considerations on the Value of Argentine Tango
Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires · Considerations on the value of Argentine
[image: A couple danci...
If you are in Los Angeles on August 15, please come to my Author Talk at
the Memorial Branch Library, 4625 W. Olympic Blvd. I would love to see you
Meeting my Match?
On Sunday, I'm sitting alone at a local *milonga* while my partner goes off
to dance a *tanda *with one of her friends. I'm minding my own business
just st...
Zen Nihon Kata
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing
*Kyoshi* Yuriko Nakamura (Fukuoka) and *Kyoshi* Keiko Fukuda (Nara)
demonstrate Zen Nihon Kata during th...
On the crest of the wave
I think it's arguable to say that the visibility of tango outside of
Argentina has reached a point not seen in recent memory, perhaps even not
since the he...